Anhanguera by Schleich
The Anhanguera was a pterosaur with a wingspan of up to 4 metres. Its body, however, was only slightly more than 20 centimeters long. Its most stri...
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Please be aware of fake/fraudulent websites.
The Official Bird in Hand site is birdinhand.com
The Anhanguera was a pterosaur with a wingspan of up to 4 metres. Its body, however, was only slightly more than 20 centimeters long. Its most stri...
View full detailsSurah’s Pegasus is a magical creature. Its wings and mane magically reflect its friend’s colors. Together they fly to far-away places. Will you com...
View full detailsGrizzly bears give birth to their young during the hibernation months. In the cozy, warm cave they are well protected from the cold and other preda...
View full detailsThe beautifully colorful mandala unicorn mare attracts many astonished looks throughout bayala®. She is part of the new mandala unicorn family, whi...
View full detailsThe majestic Eyela is the crown princess of all the sun fairies in bayala® and the best friends of the beautiful fairy Feya. Both were transformed ...
View full detailsOne day, Princess Isabelle will be queen of Meamare, the mermaid city. Isabelle absolutely loves reading exciting adventure stories and collecting ...
View full detailsThe Oviraptor lived over about 75 million years ago at the time of the Velociraptor. The first skeleton discovered of it was lying on a nest of egg...
View full detailsIncredibly dangerous – and very patient: the lava scorpion lurks well hidden in the rugged rocks of the lava world, waiting for its victims, and is...
View full detailsDromedaries live in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They eat mostly leaves, dry grass and thorny plants. The hump of the mammal isn’t used to store...
View full detailsThe Anteater from Schleich® WILD LIFE lives in the savannas and grasslands of Central and South America. The mammal feeds primarily on ants and ter...
View full detailsThe Badger from Schleich® WILD LIFE is a nocturnal predator of the marten family. The black and white coat, long snout, stocky body and short sturd...
View full detailsBaby cheetahs are very helpless and only open their eyes after two weeks. When their mother is out hunting, they are completely defenceless against...
View full detailsLabrador Retrievers are friendly, good-natured dogs who enjoy swimming. In water they use their tail like a rudder; it is often called their "otter...
View full detailsThe saltwater crocodile is the most dangerous of all crocodiles. It holds the record for the largest crocodile: It can weigh up to a ton, as much a...
View full detailsThe donkey has been serving mankind for thousands of years and can be used for a variety of tasks. Donkeys are very efficient mammals. They support...
View full detailsThe Emperor Penguin from Schleich® WILD LIFE is the largest and heaviest penguin species. It is also unique for living so far south in Antarctica. ...
View full detailsCheetahs are excellent hunters. First of all they approach their prey very carefully until they are within a few metres, then when the time is righ...
View full detailsThe most famous species of fox is the red fox, which has a characteristic red coat and white chest. Its large, bushy tail helps the small predator ...
View full detailsFrench bulldogs are lapdogs with body and soul. They love nothing better than being stroked for hours on end. They are very even-tempered and keep ...
View full detailsThe German Shepherd dog was originally bred to herd sheep. But no matter what task you give it, it will take on any challenge enthusiastically and ...
View full detailsGiant tortoises are large and can weigh over 400 kg. Like the giant tortoise from Schleich® Wild Life, they have short but powerful legs that they ...
View full detailsGoat and kids recognize each other by the sound of their calls, not by their appearance. Kids suckle for a period of six months, before they begin ...
View full detailsThe golden retriever, one of the most popular dog breeds, has a long history. The credit for the development of this breed is due to Lord Tweedmout...
View full detailsHens lay between 250-300 eggs per year. Although it may look that way at first, no two eggs are the same. They are of varying size and never have t...
View full detailsThe Highland Bull from Schleich® FARM WORLD has a long, warm coat. It is so thick and wooly that even icy cold doesn’t bother it. That’s why this b...
View full detailsAlthough hippopotamuses cannot swim particularly well, they spend nearly all day in the water. They cannot simply drift along, because they're just...
View full detailsCows are very sensitive animals. Calves are protected by their mothers, who are immediately there for them if they are afraid or if they cry out in...
View full detailsCows can’t understand human language, but they can distinguish between a friendly and an unfriendly tone of voice. They can also tell from the tone...
View full detailsThe orca is a large, toothed whale that belongs to the dolphin family. Its black and white colouring make it unmistakable. Animals swimming under i...
View full detailsThe Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world. An ambush predator, it waits in the high grass for small rodents, birds and other reptiles. I...
View full detailsAfter birth, lion babies have a sand-coloured fur coat with dark, circular spots. They are well camouflaged in the savannah. Within the first four ...
View full detailsMaine-Coon cats are large and heavy, but very calm, balanced cats with a noble, long coat. That's why they are often referred to as gentle giants. ...
View full detailsElephant bulls are considerably bigger than elephant cows. Reaching heights of almost four metres, they are the second largest land animals after g...
View full detailsMale gorillas often beat their fists on their chests. They do so to show who is the strongest in the group. However, it can also be a kind of greet...
View full detailsPigs are mostly pink and have a bristly fur. But depending on the breed, they can be brown, black or pied. It is said that the animals are dirty, b...
View full detailsThe Poodle from Schleich® FARM WORLD is a beautiful dog that pants happily and curiously watches what’s going on around it. Poodles are popular pet...
View full detailsA rabbit's favourite foods are juicy herbs, fresh clover, salad, twigs and peelings. Rabbits are very sociable animals. When sensing danger, they t...
View full detailsAll fowl have a crest on their head. It consists of a flap of skin and is particularly large and noticeable on roosters. The serrated comb, which l...
View full detailsCalves are born around once a year. It’s very important they drink their mother’s milk within the first few hours. This is a special yellowish liqu...
View full detailsThe sloth spends almost its entire life in the trees of tropical rainforests. Its curved claws give it a firm grip on the branches of the trees. Si...
View full detailsThe snow leopard is a large cat that lives in the high rocky mountains of Central Asia. It feeds mainly on sheep, ibex and goats. Thick fur protect...
View full detailsCats have an extraordinary sense of balance. And even if they should fall, they hardly get hurt. It is even said that they always land on their fee...
View full detailsPigs are very social animals and care lovingly for their litter. If they can be born outside, the pregnant mother pig digs a homely hollow and fill...
View full detailsCats have an extraordinary sense of balance. And even if they should fall, they hardly get hurt. It is even said that they always land on their fee...
View full detailsTarantulas are among the largest spiders in the world. In contrast to many other spiders, they do not spin a web, but lay in wait for their prey – ...
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